Markov Chains But On Pokemon Names
Last week, I had that thing happen where you’re falling asleep, semi-conscious, and then, all of a sudden, you have a GREAT IDEA. I diligently recorded it and then promptly passed out. In the morning, I learned that my SUPER GOOD IDEA was “Markov Chains, but on Pokémon names”.
Which… rhymes so that’s cool. I had recently reread the iconic Tweet Like the President blog post and my subconscious was clearly inspired.
The more I thought about it, the more the idea grew on me. Yes, it’s silly, but the process can be applied to business cases such as segmenting new customers. And thus, the post you’re currently reading. In this post we will use python to:
- Build a Markov Chain of letters for each of the seven Pokémon generations
- For each Pokémon, find the model it fits best in
- Compare our predictions to actual generations
- Invent some new Pokémon
- Determine what generation I would be from if I were a Pokémon
Import Needed Libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report,confusion_matrix
%matplotlib inline
Load Pokémon Names Data
In the later generations we get “mega” evolutions, for this reason we want to only keep the default Pokémon
url = ''
all_pokemon = pd.read_csv(url, index_col = 0)
all_pokemon = all_pokemon[all_pokemon.is_default == 1]
identifier | species_id | height | weight | base_experience | order | is_default | |
id | |||||||
1 | bulbasaur | 1 | 7 | 69 | 64 | 1 | 1 |
2 | ivysaur | 2 | 10 | 130 | 142 | 2 | 1 |
3 | venusaur | 3 | 20 | 1000 | 236 | 3 | 1 |
4 | charmander | 4 | 6 | 85 | 62 | 5 | 1 |
5 | charmeleon | 5 | 11 | 190 | 142 | 6 | 1 |
Assign Generations to Each Pokémon
def assign_generation(row):
if 0 < row['species_id'] <= 151:
return 'Generation I'
elif 151 < row['species_id'] <= 251:
return 'Generation II'
elif 251 < row['species_id'] <= 386:
return 'Generation III'
elif 386 < row['species_id'] <= 493:
return 'Generation IV'
elif 493 < row['species_id'] <= 649:
return 'Generation V'
elif 649 < row['species_id'] <= 721:
return 'Generation VI'
elif 721 < row['species_id'] <= 807:
return 'Generation VII'
return 'other'
all_pokemon['generation'] = all_pokemon.apply(assign_generation, axis=1)
identifier | species_id | height | weight | base_experience | order | is_default | generation | |
id | ||||||||
1 | bulbasaur | 1 | 7 | 69 | 64 | 1 | 1 | Generation I |
2 | ivysaur | 2 | 10 | 130 | 142 | 2 | 1 | Generation I |
3 | venusaur | 3 | 20 | 1000 | 236 | 3 | 1 | Generation I |
4 | charmander | 4 | 6 | 85 | 62 | 5 | 1 | Generation I |
5 | charmeleon | 5 | 11 | 190 | 142 | 6 | 1 | Generation I |
Build a Markov Chain
We build a function that takes a series of strings and builds a dictionary of each letter and all letters that follow it - including the end of the word. While looping through the data, we also collect a list of starting letters and get the longest and shortest name.
def build_mc(corpus):
markov_dict = {'<EOT>':[]}
starting_letters = []
max_length = 0
min_length = 1000
for word in corpus:
tok = list(word) #make character list [l,i,k,e, ,t,h,i,s]
letter_count = len(tok) #length of word
#storing the max & min values of names
if(letter_count > max_length):
max_length = letter_count
if(letter_count < min_length):
min_length = letter_count
for index, letter in enumerate(tok):
#add letter if we haven't yet
if letter not in markov_dict.keys():
markov_dict[letter] = []
#add first letters to start list
if index == 0:
#add end of text to last letters of names
if index == letter_count - 1:
#add next letter to non-last letters
return markov_dict, starting_letters, max_length, min_length
Build Markov Chains for each Generation of Pokémon
For each generation we build a seperate model so that we can understand the differences
#hard code for each generation
markov_dict_1, starting_letters_1, max_length_1, min_length_1 = build_mc(all_pokemon[all_pokemon.generation == 'Generation I']['identifier'])
markov_dict_2, starting_letters_2, max_length_2, min_length_2 = build_mc(all_pokemon[all_pokemon.generation == 'Generation II']['identifier'])
markov_dict_3, starting_letters_3, max_length_3, min_length_3 = build_mc(all_pokemon[all_pokemon.generation == 'Generation III']['identifier'])
markov_dict_4, starting_letters_4, max_length_4, min_length_4 = build_mc(all_pokemon[all_pokemon.generation == 'Generation IV']['identifier'])
markov_dict_5, starting_letters_5, max_length_5, min_length_5 = build_mc(all_pokemon[all_pokemon.generation == 'Generation V']['identifier'])
markov_dict_6, starting_letters_6, max_length_6, min_length_6 = build_mc(all_pokemon[all_pokemon.generation == 'Generation VI']['identifier'])
markov_dict_7, starting_letters_7, max_length_7, min_length_7 = build_mc(all_pokemon[all_pokemon.generation == 'Generation VII']['identifier'])
# See what follows an x in each generation
['<EOT>', '<EOT>', 'e', 'e', '<EOT>', '<EOT>']
['a', '<EOT>']
['<EOT>', 'p', 'y']
['<EOT>', 'i', 'r', '<EOT>', 'i', 'i']
['c', 'e', 'e', 'u', 'o']
['e', '<EOT>', '<EOT>', 'e']
['<EOT>', 'a', '<EOT>', 'i', 'u']
Generating New Pokémon
We can do random walks on each Markov Chain to invent some new Pokémon - notice the differences in generations, for example we have a lot more dashes in our last generation.
My personal favorite is telelucry :)
def new_pokemon_name(starting_letter, mc, max_length, min_length):
new_name = starting_letter
current_letter = starting_letter
while len(new_name) < max_length:
next_letter = np.random.choice(mc[current_letter])
#names have to be a least a certain length
while( (len(new_name) < min_length) & (next_letter == '<EOT>') ):
next_letter = np.random.choice(mc[current_letter])
if next_letter == '<EOT>':
return new_name
new_name = new_name + next_letter
current_letter = next_letter
return new_name
print('Generation I')
for x in range(0,5):
print(new_pokemon_name(np.random.choice(starting_letters_1), markov_dict_1, max_length_1,min_length_1))
print('\nGeneration II')
for x in range(0,5):
print(new_pokemon_name(np.random.choice(starting_letters_2), markov_dict_2, max_length_2,min_length_2))
print('\nGeneration III')
for x in range(0,5):
print(new_pokemon_name(np.random.choice(starting_letters_3), markov_dict_3, max_length_3,min_length_3))
print('\nGeneration IV')
for x in range(0,5):
print(new_pokemon_name(np.random.choice(starting_letters_4), markov_dict_4, max_length_4,min_length_4))
print('\nGeneration V')
for x in range(0,5):
print(new_pokemon_name(np.random.choice(starting_letters_5), markov_dict_5, max_length_5,min_length_5))
print('\nGeneration VI')
for x in range(0,5):
print(new_pokemon_name(np.random.choice(starting_letters_6), markov_dict_6, max_length_6,min_length_6))
print('\nGeneration VII')
for x in range(0,5):
print(new_pokemon_name(np.random.choice(starting_letters_7), markov_dict_7, max_length_7,min_length_7))
Generation I
Generation II
Generation III
Generation IV
Generation V
Generation VI
Generation VII
Predict the Generation of Pokémon
Now that we’ve invented some new Pokés we’re going to predict the generation of a Pokémon based just on it’s name. Because each model is built on a tiny dataset (80 to 160 names) we are absolutely going to cheat and use models built on the full data set. In the real work we would train test split when checking to see if our models are working or not.
We calculate the probability of one letter following another by going to the key, counting the number of times the next value happens, and dividing this by the total letters. This gives us a precent of the time that one letter follows the next. We then multiply the probabilities together and also multiply this by the probability of the starting letter.
After getting the likelihood of a word in every model, we choose the most likely as our prediction.
If the word is impossible in every model (for example: 666) it will return “No Prediction”.
def generation_probability(word,starting_letters,markov_dict):
tok_word = list(word)
letter_count = len(tok_word) #length of word
probability = 1
for index, letter in enumerate(tok_word):
if(index == 0):
probability = probability * starting_letters.count('m') / starting_letters.__len__()
if index == letter_count - 1:
return probability
probability = probability * markov_dict[letter].count(tok_word[index+1]) / markov_dict[letter].__len__()
def predicted_generation(row):
probabilities = pd.concat([
pd.DataFrame([[row['identifier'],'Generation I',generation_probability(row['identifier'],starting_letters_1,markov_dict_1)]]
,columns = ['identifier','generation','probability'])
,pd.DataFrame([[row['identifier'],'Generation II',generation_probability(row['identifier'],starting_letters_2,markov_dict_2)]]
,columns = ['identifier','generation','probability'])
,pd.DataFrame([[row['identifier'],'Generation III',generation_probability(row['identifier'],starting_letters_3,markov_dict_3)]]
,columns = ['identifier','generation','probability'])
,pd.DataFrame([[row['identifier'],'Generation IV',generation_probability(row['identifier'],starting_letters_4,markov_dict_4)]]
,columns = ['identifier','generation','probability'])
,pd.DataFrame([[row['identifier'],'Generation V',generation_probability(row['identifier'],starting_letters_5,markov_dict_5)]]
,columns = ['identifier','generation','probability'])
,pd.DataFrame([[row['identifier'],'Generation VI',generation_probability(row['identifier'],starting_letters_6,markov_dict_6)]]
,columns = ['identifier','generation','probability'])
,pd.DataFrame([[row['identifier'],'Generation VII',generation_probability(row['identifier'],starting_letters_7,markov_dict_7)]]
,columns = ['identifier','generation','probability'])
highest_prob = probabilities['probability'].max()
if(highest_prob == 0):
return 'No Prediction'
# return np.random.choice(['Generation I','Generation II','Generation III'
# ,'Generation IV', 'Generation V', 'Generation VI','Generation VII'])
return probabilities[probabilities.probability == highest_prob]['generation']
all_pokemon['prediction'] = all_pokemon.apply(predicted_generation, axis=1)
We’ve Got Impressive Results!
If we were to just guess the generation randomly, we would expect accuracies of ~1/7 or 14%. We know that we are giving the models a big advantage by training and testing on the same data. Even so, our prediction results are much much better than 14%. It’s tempting to then claim that the names of Pokémon really did change from season to season, we proved it! And yes, there were some changes like longer names and more dashes. However, our training data sets are so tiny that we definitely just have over fitted models :)
precision recall f1-score support
Generation I 0.69 0.72 0.70 151
Generation II 0.67 0.64 0.65 100
Generation III 0.77 0.70 0.73 135
Generation IV 0.59 0.80 0.68 107
Generation V 0.88 0.59 0.71 156
Generation VI 0.80 0.74 0.77 72
Generation VII 0.59 0.79 0.67 86
avg / total 0.72 0.70 0.70 807
[[108 9 6 14 2 2 10]
[ 8 64 4 13 2 2 7]
[ 8 7 94 14 3 3 6]
[ 5 5 2 86 0 1 8]
[ 18 4 11 10 92 4 17]
[ 5 4 4 4 2 53 0]
[ 5 3 1 5 3 1 68]]
What Generation of Pokémon Am I ???
Finally, let’s take some non-pokemon words and see what generation they are most likely to be from
mt = pd.DataFrame(['michelle','tanco','hunter','teradata','xx'], columns =['identifier'])
mt['generation'] = mt.apply(predicted_generation, axis=1)
identifier | generation | |
0 | michelle | Generation IV |
1 | tanco | Generation VII |
2 | hunter | Generation II |
3 | teradata | Generation I |
4 | xx | No Prediction |