Recent Artists List

7 minute read


Spotify Recently Played List!

I want to create a dynamicly updated list of artists I’ve been listening to based on my recent Spotify play history. This blog post is a work in progress as I work on this project :)

Table of Contents

from spotipy import util

from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials
from spotipy import Spotify

import getpass

import pandas as pd

Getting Started

  1. Create a Spotify Developers Account
  2. Createe a new Application to get a client key and client secret - I named my application “Token Please” as I’m not using it for anything other than credentials
  3. Installed the Spotipy package: pip install spotipy
  4. Saved our Application credentials to our bash profile: SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET

Autorization Token

Obtain an authorization token that we can use with the python and web API:

  1. Get your userid by logging into Spotify, select the … on your profile, click share, and then copy spotify URI
  2. Use the permissions we want as scope - ability to see what we’ve recently listened to
  3. Use any valid URL as the redict URI

You will then be asked to log in to spotify (from a new webpage) and approve authorization. This will redirect you to a new webpage, copy this URL and paste in the text box below the prompt_for_user_token command which will then print your token.

# Get authorization token for this user - resfreshes or asks for permission as needed
my_token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username="1238655357", # Michelle's ID
                                      scope="user-read-recently-played", # allows us to see recently played songs
                                      redirect_uri="") # URL in our app

User Play History

# Object for interacting with spotify user
spotify = Spotify(auth=my_token)

Last 5 Songs I Listened To

# get dictionary of songs from recent listening
last_songs_dict = spotify.current_user_recently_played(limit=5)['items']

# create dataframe of key information about each song
last_songs = pd.DataFrame()
for s in last_songs_dict:
    last_songs = last_songs.append(pd.DataFrame([[s['track']['name'], 

last_songs = last_songs.reset_index(drop=True)
last_songs.columns = ["song", "artist", "album", "timestamp"]

last_songs["timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(last_songs["timestamp"])

0Desire (Setare)Bahramji & MashtiSufiyan2020-06-21 19:04:55.209000+00:00
1Om Tara Tuttare [Red Fulka Remix]Deva PremalYoga Revolution2020-06-21 18:59:35.427000+00:00
2DestinyZero 7Simple Things2020-06-21 18:54:44.004000+00:00
3Karma ShabdaNo NoiseChakra Lounge Vol. 12020-06-21 18:49:05.679000+00:00
4An Ending, a BeginningDustin O'HalloranOther Lights2020-06-21 18:43:58.726000+00:00

Last Albums I Listened To

This is names of albums from recent songs rather than a list of albumns I listened fully to

last_songs_dict = spotify.current_user_recently_played()['items']

last_albumns = pd.DataFrame()
for s in last_songs_dict:
    last_albumns = last_albumns.append(pd.DataFrame([[s['track']['artists'][0]['name'], 

#last_albumns.columns = ["artist", "spotify_uri", "album"]

last_albumn_counts = last_albumns.groupby(last_albumns.columns.tolist()).size().reset_index(name ='')
last_albumn_counts.columns = ["artist", "spotify_uri", "album", "song_count"]

0Bahramji & Mashtispotify:artist:7JWJ86duJuQx2rcch6ZDf2Sufiyan1
1DJ Drezspotify:artist:5j3iObqG7iT7utWpTTmC7FJahta Beat: The Lotus Memoirs1
2Deva Premalspotify:artist:2970BxpdOBQmkMit6i9kVFYoga Revolution1
3Dillon Reznickspotify:artist:6lHuJXIBBEw0n9qOmiWWJYLay Your Head on My Shoulder1
4Dustin O'Halloranspotify:artist:6UEYawMcp2M4JFoXVOtZEqOther Lights1
5East Forestspotify:artist:0okmfBroVgFuvvljnUbqPWThe Education Of The Individual Soul2
6Egil Nielsenspotify:artist:0oZuyZXAZ8zvY3ygyApIHfA Goodnight Lullaby2
7Felix Scottspotify:artist:52P6o31sXSSZBcTHwveYx8The More We Get Together1
8Howard Peelespotify:artist:6pIayvI5bDeyEhT5x7LTTeBeauty and the Beast1
9Jesse Nielsenspotify:artist:28hL1CMeKSmGDu43cUqsWWLullabies on Music Box1

Genres of Recent Artists

# get dictionary of songs from recent listening
last_songs_dict = spotify.current_user_recently_played()['items']

genre_counts = dict()

# each song
for s in last_songs_dict:
    # each artist involved in the song
    for a in s["track"]["artists"]:
        artist_uri = a["uri"]
        genres = spotify.artist(artist_uri)['genres']
        # each genre associated with the artist
        for i in genres:
            genre_counts[i] = genre_counts.get(i, 0) + 1

genre_counts = pd.DataFrame(list(genre_counts.items()),columns = ['genre','count']) 
genre_counts = genre_counts.sort_values("count", ascending=False)

top_10 = genre_counts["genre"].head(10)

for g in top_10:
    print("*", g)
* chanson
* vintage schlager
* torch song
* shamanic
* kirtan
* calming instrumental
* healing
* downtempo
* world fusion
* meditation

Create Markdown of Recent Artists for Blog

Someday, we will want this dynamic, but for now here is the script to create the markdown for our recently listened to artists

# list of last 50 songs
last_songs_dict = spotify.current_user_recently_played()['items']

# frame to hold artists
artists = pd.DataFrame()

# Get information for all tracks
for s in last_songs_dict:
    # Look at each artist that contributed to the track
    for a in s['track']['artists']:

        # save artist name, spotify reference uri, and link to their spotify page
        artists = artists.append(pd.DataFrame([[
            a["name"], a["uri"], a["external_urls"]["spotify"]

artists.columns = ["artist_name", "artist_uri", "artist_page"]

artist_counts = artists.groupby(["artist_name", "artist_uri", "artist_page"]).size().reset_index()

artist_counts.columns = ["artist_name", "artist_uri", "artist_page", "song_count"]

for i, r in artist_counts.sort_values("song_count", ascending=False).iterrows():
    print("* [" + r["artist_name"] + "](" + r["artist_page"] + ")")
* [Édith Piaf](
* [Egil Nielsen](
* [Ramona Singh](
* [Ray Mondo](
* [Robin Swan](
* [Jesse Nielsen](
* [Julio Menzel](
* [East Forest](
* [The xx](
* [The Baby Orchestra](
* [Stephen Rossi](
* [Peter Ehrlichmann](
* [Stefan Holmes](
* [Sophie Eichmann](
* [Sophie Barker](
* [Sia](
* [Torben Overgaard](
* [Riff's Tunes](
* [Tristian Fitzmaurice](
* [Zero 7](
* [Ralph Aachen](
* [Power Music Workout](
* [Phaeleh](
* [Bahramji & Mashti](
* [No Noise](
* [Kodomo](
* [Deva Premal](
* [Dillon Reznick](
* [Dustin O'Halloran](
* [Felix Scott](
* [Howard Peele](
* [John B. Lund](
* [Khruangbin](
* [Lenox Martin](
* [Musicbox Moments](
* [Les Compagnons De La Chanson](
* [Luana Dias Araujo](
* [MC YOGI](
* [Martha Blackburn](
* [Martin Grenelle](
* [Mingmei Hsueh](
* [DJ Drez](
* [Miten](

Final Python Script


# Michelle Tanco -
# Create Markdown of Spotify Play History

from spotipy import Spotify
from spotipy import util
import pandas as pd

# Get authorization token for this user - resfreshes or asks for permission as needed
my_token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username="1238655357", # Michelle's ID
                                      scope="user-read-recently-played", # allows us to see recently played songs
                                      redirect_uri="") # URL in our app

# Object for interacting with spotify user
spotify = Spotify(auth=my_token)

# list of last 50 songs
last_songs_dict = spotify.current_user_recently_played()['items']

# frame to hold artists
artists = pd.DataFrame()

# Get information for all tracks
for s in last_songs_dict:
    # Look at each artist that contributed to the track
    for a in s['track']['artists']:

        # save artist name, spotify reference uri, and link to their spotify page
        artists = artists.append(pd.DataFrame([[
            a["name"], a["uri"], a["external_urls"]["spotify"]

artists.columns = ["artist_name", "artist_uri", "artist_page"]

artist_counts = artists.groupby(["artist_name", "artist_uri", "artist_page"]).size().reset_index()

artist_counts.columns = ["artist_name", "artist_uri", "artist_page", "song_count"]

for i, r in artist_counts.sort_values("song_count", ascending=False).iterrows():
    print("* [" + r["artist_name"] + "](" + r["artist_page"] + ")")

# get the genres I've been listening to the most

genre_counts = dict()

# each song
for s in last_songs_dict:

    # each artist involved in the song
    for a in s["track"]["artists"]:
        artist_uri = a["uri"]

        genres = spotify.artist(artist_uri)['genres']

        # each genre associated with the artist
        for i in genres:
            genre_counts[i] = genre_counts.get(i, 0) + 1

genre_counts = pd.DataFrame(list(genre_counts.items()), columns=['genre', 'count'])
genre_counts = genre_counts.sort_values("count", ascending=False)

top_10 = genre_counts["genre"].head(10)

for g in top_10:
    print("*", g)